Month: July 2023

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Minimum System Requirement for Jenkins

Introduction Hello and welcome back, Jenkins Geeks. In this article, we would cover the minimum system requirement for Jenkins. We know how Jenkins plays a

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What is Continuous Integration in Jenkins?

Introduction Welcome back, Jenkins knowledge seeker. In this article, we would try to cover ‘What is Continuous Integration in Jenkins’ in a very detailed fashion.

Selenium vs UFT

Selenium vs UFT

Introduction Hello and welcome back Automation Geeks. In this article, Selenium vs UFT, we are going to discuss a very common topic of discussion among

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What is Jenkins?

Introduction Welcome back, Geeks. In this article, we would discuss ‘What is Jenkins’ along with its importance in software engineering. Jenkins is an open-source automation


Why Selenium automation?

Introduction Well, the question is very obvious for developers and automation engineers – “Why Selenium Automation?”. Yes, there are ample tools available in the market


Advantages & Disadvantages of Selenium

Introduction Welcome back, Selenium seekers. In the previous articles, we understood ‘What is Selenium‘ along with its WebDriver Architecture. We also learned about different layers


Selenium WebDriver Architecture

Introduction Greetings, tech-savvy readers! Brace yourselves for an insightful discussion on the Architecture of Selenium WebDriver. WebDriver is a powerful open-source automation tool used for

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Difference between Git Fetch and Git Pull

Introduction In the context of version control and specifically GitHub, “Git Pull” and “Git Fetch” are two very distinct operations that involve retrieving updates from