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Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows
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Table of Contents


In this post, we will discuss various keyboard shortcuts in Windows or combinations of keys used on a day-to-day basis on the Windows Operating System. People and professionals generally don’t use these shortcuts regular basis but believe me they are worth using. They play a significant role in the day-to-day life of both general users and professionals. They also provide a faster and more efficient way to perform various tasks, saving time and improving productivity. I personally prefer and love using shortcut keys on a daily basis during my tasks.

Below are the tables based on their categories:

Keyboard shortcuts involving Control & Shift Keys

Shortcut KeysActions
Ctrl + ASelect all the items on the window
Ctrl + BMark the selected content as bold.
Ctrl + CCopy the selected item(s).
Ctrl + DDelete the selected item(s) and move them to the recycle bin.
Ctrl + EOpen the Search option in most of the applications
Ctrl + FOpen the search dialog box.
Ctrl + HOpen History (mostly in the browsers).
Ctrl + IMark the selected content in italic.
Ctrl + JOpen the download progress window (mostly in the browsers).
Ctrl + LSelect the content in the address bar (mostly in the browsers).
Ctrl + NOpen a new file or window
Ctrl + OOpen file explorer to select/upload file(s) to the browser.
Ctrl + POpen the print dialog window.
Ctrl + RReload or Refresh the browser window.
Ctrl + SSave the file/content of the file.
Ctrl + TOpen a new tab (mostly in the browser)
Ctrl + UMark the selected content underline.
Ctrl + VPaste the copied item(s).
Ctrl + WClose the current tab
Ctrl + XCut the selected item(s).
Ctrl + YRedo the change(s).
Ctrl + ZUndo the change(s).
Ctrl + InsertCopy the selected item(s).
Shift + InsertPaste the copied item(s).
Ctrl + HomeMove the cursor to the start of the line.
Ctrl + EndMove the cursor to the end of the line.
Ctrl + Right ArrowMove the cursor at the beginning of the next word.
Ctrl + Left ArrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the previous word.
Ctrl + Up ArrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph.
Ctrl + Down ArrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph.
Ctrl + Shift + Right ArrowSelect the next entire word.
Ctrl + Shift + Left ArrowSelect the previous entire word.
Ctrl + TabMove to the next tab (mostly in the browsers)
Ctrl + Shift + TabMove to the previous tab (mostly in the browsers)
Ctrl + Shift + TOpen the closed tab or window (mostly in the browser)
Ctrl + BackspaceEntirely deletes the previous word.
Ctrl + Page UpMove to the previous tab (mostly in the browsers and code editors)
Ctrl + Page DownMove to the next tab (mostly in the browsers and code editors)
Ctrl + Plus (+)Zoom in the page (in browsers) and increase the fonts (in editors)
Ctrl + Minus (-)Zoom out the page (in browsers) and decrease the fonts (in editors)
Ctrl + EscOpen Start Menu.
Ctrl + ShiftSwitch the keyboard layout when multiple keyboard layouts are available.
Ctrl + Shift + BShow bookmark bar (mostly in browsers)
Shift + Delete Permanently deletes the selected item(s).
Shift + Right ArrowSelect the next single character.
Shift + Left ArrowSelect the previous single character.
Shift + Up ArrowSelect multiple lines upward.
Shift + Down ArrowSelect multiple lines downward.

Keyboard shortcuts involving Windows key

Shortcut KeysActions
Windows Open or close Start Menu.
Win + AOpen Quick Settings. (Windows 11 and higher)
Win + BSet focus to the first icon in the Taskbar corner.
Win + COpen Chat from Microsoft Teams. (Windows 11 and higher)
Win + DDisplay and hide the desktop.
Win + EOpen the File Explorer
Win + FOpen Feedback Hub
Win + GOpen Xbox Game Bar when any game is open.
Win + HLaunch the voice typing option. (Windows 11 and higher)
Win + IOpen the Settings
Win + JSet the focus to a Windows tip when it’s available.
Win + KOpen the Cast from Quick Setting
Win + LLock your computer or switch to a different user account.
Win + MMinimize the open windows.
Win + NOpen OneNote
Win + OLock the orientation of the device.
Win + PChoose a presentation display mode or connect to a wireless display
Win + ROpen the Run Dialog window.
Win + SOpen the Search
Win + TLoop through all open or pinned applications on the taskbar.
Win + UOpen Display Settings
Win + VOpen Clipboard History
Win + WOpen the widgets
Win + XOpen quick Link Menu
Win + Y Switch input between Windows Mixed Reality and your desktop.
Win + ZOpen the snap layouts.
Win + Shift + STake a snapshot of your screen.
Win + ,Temporarily peek at the desktop.
Win + ;Open the Emoji Panel.
Win + .Open the Emoji Panel.
Win + Shift + MRestore minimized windows on the desktop.
Win + TabOpen the Task View.
Win + Up ArrowMaximize the window or application.
Win + Down ArrowMinimize the window or application.
Win + Right ArrowMove the window or application to the right of the screen.
Win + Left ArrowMove the window or application to the left of the screen.
Win + SpacebarSwitch input language and keyboard layout.
Win + number (1, 2, 3….9)Open the desktop and start the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
If the app is already running, switch to that app.
Win + Plus (+)Open Magnifier application.
Alt + X + U + ISign Out from your account.
Alt + X + U + SSleep your computer.
Alt + X + U + UShut Down your computer.
Alt + X + U + RRestart your computer.
Alt + X + TOpen the Task Manager.

Keyboard shortcuts involving Alt key

Shortcut KeysActions
Alt + TabSwitch to the different applications.
Alt + ASet focus to the first icon in the Suggested Actions menu.
Alt + DSelect the address bar in the browser.
Alt + EOpen Setting Menu in the browser.
Alt + FOpen Setting Menu in the browser.
Alt + PDisplay the preview panel.
Alt + EscCycle through items in the order in which they were opened.
Alt + EnterDisplay the properties for the selected item.
Alt + SpacebarOpen the shortcut menu for the active window.
Alt +  Left arrowGo back (mostly in the browsers)
Alt +  Right arrowGo forward (mostly in the browsers)
Alt +  Page UpMove up one screen.
Alt +  Page DownMove down one screen.
Ctrl + Alt + TabUse the arrow keys to switch between all open apps.
Alt + F4Close the active application.
Alt + F4If you are on the desktop, it would bring shutdown options.
Alt + F8Show the password on the sign-in screen (mostly in the browsers).

Keyboard shortcuts involving Function Key

Shortcut KeysActions
F1Open Help Page.
F2Rename the selected item.
F3Search for a file or folder in File Explorer.
F4Display the address bar list in File Explorer.
F5Refresh the active window.
F5Step into the function (in code editors).
F6Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop.
F6Step over the command (in code editors).
F7Step Return to the function (in code editors).
F10Activate the Menu bar in the active app.
F11Make your window to the full screen.
F12Open Developer Tool in the browsers.

Keyboard shortcuts Shortcuts in Youtube

Shortcut KeysActions
KTo Play & Pause your video.
MTo Mute your video.
ITurn your video screen into Mini-player.
TTurn your video into Cinema Mode.
FTurn your video into Full Screen.
SpacebarPause and Play your video.
Right ArrowForward your video for 5 seconds.
Left ArrowRewind your video for 5 seconds.

Shortcuts in MS Excel

Shortcut KeysActions
Ctrl + Down ArrowMove to the last cell of the column having any content.
Ctrl + Up ArrowMove to the first cell of the column having any content.
Ctrl + Right ArrowMove to the last cell of the row having any content.
Ctrl + Left ArrowMove to the first cell of the row having any content.
TabMove to the next cell in a row.
Shift + TabMove to the previous cell in a row.
EnterMove to the next cell in a column.
Shift + EnterMove to the previous cell in a column.
Shift + SpacebarSelect the entire row.
Ctrl + SpacebarSelect the entire column.
Ctrl + Minus (-) + R + EnterDelete the entire row.
Ctrl + Minus (-) + C + EnterDelete the entire column.
Ctrl + Shift + Plus (+) + R + EnterInsert a row.
Ctrl + Shift + Plus (+) + C + EnterInsert a column.
Ctrl + 0Hide the column.
Ctrl + 9Hide the row.
Alt + 1Toggle the Auto Save option.
Alt + 2Save the Excel file.
Alt + 3Undo Typing in the selected cell.
Alt + 4Undo Delete in the selected cell.
Alt + BCheck the file details.
Alt + QSearch in the active sheet of the Excel file.
Alt + FOpen File Menu.
Alt + HOpen Home Menu.
Alt + NOpen Insert Menu.
Alt + POpen Page Layout Menu.
Alt + MOpen Formula Menu.
Alt + AOpen Data Menu.
Alt + ROpen Review Menu.
Alt + WOpen View Menu.
Alt + Y1Open Automate Menu.
Alt + Y2Open Help Menu.
F2Start editing the selected cell.
Shift + F11Insert a new sheet in an Excel file.
Alt + H + D + SDelete the current sheet of an Excel file.
Ctrl + Page DownMove to the next sheet of an Excel file.
Ctrl + Page UpMove to the previous sheet of an Excel file.
Ctrl + Shift + FOpen Format Cell Window.
Ctrl + Shift + LToggle Filter Option.


So in this article, we have discussed various Keyboard Shortcuts in the Windows operating system. Overall, whether you’re a general user or a professional, incorporating keyboard shortcuts into your day-to-day tasks would significantly enhance your efficiency, save time, and make using the software more comfortable and accessible. It is worth investing time in learning and utilizing shortcut keys for the applications you frequently use to maximize your productivity.

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